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What are the advantages of water-cooled motors?

source:未知   time:2024-05-29 11:21nbsp;  click:

At a production site of a steel rolling mill, a maintenance worker asked about the advantages of water-cooled high-voltage motors for its forging equipment. In this issue, we will have a discussion with you on this issue.
In layman's terms, water-cooled motors use a special water cooling system to inject low-temperature water into the water channel, cool the motor through the circulation system, and then cool the water after the temperature rises. During the whole process, the motor water channel is a circulation process of cold water in and hot water out.
Compared with ventilation cooling motors, water-cooled motors have the following advantages:
Because water-cooled motors can continuously input low-temperature water through the cooling system, the heat generated by the motor can be quickly taken away; effectively reduce the temperature of the motor, suitable for operation in high-temperature environments, and ensure the stability and long life of the motor. From the perspective of the noise level of the motor, since the motor has no ventilation system, the overall noise of the motor will be smaller, especially in some occasions where personnel are concentrated or noise control requirements are high, this motor structure will be given priority.
From the perspective of the efficiency level of the motor, due to the lack of mechanical loss caused by the fan system, the efficiency of the motor will be higher. From the perspective of environmental protection and energy, whether from the perspective of physical pollution or noise pollution, it is a relatively environmentally friendly structure. Compared with oil-cooled motors, water is much more economical, which is another reason why this motor is easily accepted.
However, since the motor structure involves water, if there is a quality risk in the water circuit, it is likely to cause serious problems with the motor, so the safety of the water circuit system is one of the key points in the quality control of this type of motor. In addition, the water used for motor cooling should be softened to prevent scaling problems in the pipes that affect heat dissipation, and there should be no other corrosive substances that affect the safety of the water circuit.
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