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Characteristics and Cause Analysis of Motor Overload Fault

source:未知   time:2024-08-19 10:11nbsp;  click:

Motor overload refers to the state where the actual operating power of the motor exceeds the rated power. When the motor is overloaded, the motor will heat up severely, the speed will drop, and it may even stop; the motor will make a low muffled sound accompanied by a certain vibration; if the load changes drastically, the motor speed will fluctuate.
The causes of motor overload include phase loss operation, operating voltage exceeding the allowable value of the rated voltage, and the motor speed seriously dropping or stagnating due to mechanical failure.
Consequences and characteristics of motor overload
The overload of the motor will seriously affect the service life of the motor. The direct manifestation of overload is that the motor current increases, causing the motor winding to heat up seriously, and the winding insulation ages and fails due to the excessive heat load.
After the motor is overloaded, it can be judged from the actual state of the winding. Specifically, the insulation part of the winding is all black, and the quality is brittle and crisp. In severe cases, the insulation part is all carbonized into powder; the insulation layer of the winding electromagnetic wire is seriously aged, the enameled wire paint film becomes darker, and in severe cases, it is completely detached; and the insulation layer of the mica wire and silk-insulated electromagnetic wire is separated from the conductor.
The characteristics of overloaded motor windings are different from phase loss, turn-to-turn, ground and phase-to-phase faults. They are the aging of the entire winding, not a local quality problem. Due to motor overload, the bearing system heating problem will also derive. The motor with overload fault will be filled with a serious burnt smell in the surrounding environment, accompanied by thick black smoke in severe cases.
Why does an overload fault occur during the test?
Whether it is an inspection test or a factory test, some misoperations during the test process will cause motor overload failure.
During the inspection test, the links that are prone to this problem are the motor's stall test link and the wiring and pressure application links. The stall test is what we call a short-circuit test, that is, the rotor is in a stationary state during the test. If the test time is too long, the motor winding will burn out due to overheating; for the case of insufficient test equipment capacity, if the motor starts for a long time, that is, the low-speed crawling state we often encounter, the motor winding will also burn out due to overheating. A common problem in the motor wiring process is that the motor that should be star-connected is connected in a triangle connection, and the rated voltage corresponding to the star connection is applied. The motor winding will also burn out in a short time due to overheating. Another common problem is the testing of motors with different frequencies and voltages. Some motor manufacturers or repair manufacturers only have industrial frequency power supply for the test equipment. When the test frequency is higher than the industrial frequency power supply, the winding will often burn out due to excessive voltage.
In the type test phase, the stall test is a phase prone to overload failure. Compared with the factory test, the test time and collection points are also more. If the motor itself has poor performance or there are test operation errors, overload problems are also likely to occur; in addition, for the load test process, if the loading is unreasonable or the load performance of the motor is insufficient, the motor overload quality problem will also occur.
Why does overload occur during use?
From a theoretical analysis, the motor is safe to operate when the load is applied according to the rated power of the motor, but when the power supply voltage is too high or too low, the winding will heat up and burn; the sudden increase in the motor load causes the motor speed to suddenly decrease or even stop, which is a common problem of overload during operation, especially for impact loads, the problem is more serious.
Another is the motor stalling due to a bearing system failure, which can also cause the motor to burn out due to overload.

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